etopia 1
Master Plan - storytelling patterns
Master Plan - storytelling-fire,light
Master Plan - storytelling-rock
Master Plan - storytelling-water
Master Plan - storytelling-wind,air
etopia 1 Master Plan - storytelling patterns Master Plan - storytelling-fire,light Master Plan - storytelling-rock Master Plan - storytelling-water Master Plan - storytelling-wind,air


Toowoomba, Queensland

The Master Planning, Feasibility Study and Economic Impact Study were completed for this unique International Exposition Facility in a disused Quarry.

Seven distinct themes derived from ecology and the environment underlies a stimulating and memorable experience for visitors.

Integration of ‘green’ industries, environmental sustainability principles, energy alternatives throughout the development provide a valuable economic and educational resource and model for Toowoomba and South-East Queensland.

Residential Apartments, Eco-Hotel and Conference Facilities have been incorporated for a holistic International Development.

Copyright 2014 Terrain

Website by RM Designs